Murder in Florida
There is a murder being perpetrated in Florida.... it is not taking place by some enraged citizen who can't control their temper in the confines of their personal space.... It's not happening in a dark alley by one of the "citizens" we most fear... the ones that prey upon us and those we love.... It is not being perpetrated by some looming hit man waiting to strike... This murder is taking place right before our eyes.... There is media coverage some would say 24/7 but I would not.... personally I never considered re-runs up to the minute reports.... We by virtue of telecommunications and information technology have become uninvited witnesses to a lynching.... err.... make that a starving. Mercifully we are spared the horror the family must face... but never the less.... it touches most of us in the same way we felt when we stood by helplessly and watched the Towers fall.... It is in your face human drama.... Reality to the nth degree.... and I am sure most of us are grateful for our remote control.... Unlike the family trapped in the drama.... we can escape.
Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men (women & children) to do nothing.’
.... and that is a FACT.
Most of us put ourselves in that category.... that we are good decent people.... yet sometimes we do let evil triumph.... by our inaction.... It's not always done with purpose or intent... sometimes we do it out of fear..... or convenience..... sometimes by allowing ourselves to be misinformed. And other times we simply do not care enough....
Let's talk about Terri Schiavo and what she wanted....
Do you know what she wanted??? Do I know what she wanted???
Does anyone????
A judge is Florida has said HE does.... and at least 20+ of his peer group have backed him up.... but he went on the questionable facts presented.... brought to light with an uncertain degree of "clarity" some 7 -8 years after they were "heard". HEARSAY they call it.... it's when the person who said it isn't around to ask.... but someone purports that they heard them say it.... in most cases testimony like this is not allowed in a court of law.... when it does is.... it depends on the validity of the statement when it is allowed.... it's WEIGHT....... you couldn't convict someone with it for capital murder. Should we condemn someone to death under lesser standards??
Yet at this very moment.... Terri Schiavo is being put to death because of it.....
Go ahead and holler........ she doesn't want to be kept alive this way.... minimize her life by citing examples of her lack or brain function.... cite her lack of ability to enjoy a "reasonable" quality of life".... The idea for this blog came from people doing just that.... Life With Out Prejudice.... when I argued it ....was about Terri's wishes.... they asked why would she want to exist 'that' way.... They asked if 'I' would want to exist that way.... to which NO one could possibly say yes..... But if it happened.... I have left instructions to FEED me... and now I have even MORE witnesses.
Why then.... would I want that existence for Terri.... Let me make it clear..... I don't want that kind of existence for Terri.... but... it's the existence that Terri has.... it IS her life.... I will not devalue Terri by insisting that her life has no value. I am not clear on IF the burden of proof to the degree of certainty necessary has been met to say with certitude that Terri Schiavo wants to die.... at least now 15 years later....
Perhaps after she was revived close to 12 minutes after her heart stopped..... or when those unfortunate events that rendered her incapacitated had her tenuously hanging on to life by a thread on life saving machines..... if Terri's wish had been made known at that time.... and it was clear that years down the road..... that place we are now.... that she would be just the same.... that was the time to say goodbye to Terri.... but that was not the choice that was made.... Terri fought to live..... with what ever will existed in her being.... she struggled toward life. She has continued to struggle toward life.... having over come infections... and other problems associated with her condition. Terri has a life.... limited by our definition of life.... but life none the less... She could respond to her family.... She perhaps could have been helped more....She should have had years of therapy..... Her limbs should have been kept from getting so contracted.... The drapes to her room opened to allow sunlight.... Her wheelchair fixed so that she could enjoy a fresh Spring day.... a stroll in the park.... or a Holiday party with her fellow patients.... the door to her room open for the stray visitor to wander in.... Terri deserved make up .... and hairdos..... and pictures so her family could preserve her memory for future generations... and all the things that would have given her limited life a quality seemingly denied by court order. Like it or not modern medicine and God gave Terri back her life.... and both her husband and family agreed when they did..... you just can't change your mind down the road.... when it's not the life you wanted.
Differently-abled people understand this.... some come into this world never knowing they are challenged.... others through accident or illness lost functions they once enjoyed.... but they persevere..... they embrace the life they have.... they use what ever ability they have.... they over come odds.... they accept their limitations.... and strive to find ways around them.... They and Terri deserve to be the best that they can be.... with the life that they have been given.
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