Patriot Act Art?
The stamp art of one Al Brandtner, the Chicago artist who rendered "Patriot Act," is a dangerous use of this man's freedom of speech.... The exhibit, has been dubbed as one of the most controversial exhibits displayed at Columbus College's Glass Curtain Gallery. "Patriot Act" is a sheet of mock U.S. stamps showing President George W. Bush with a gun to his head. With freedom comes responsibility... and Mr. Brandtner and Michael Hernandez de Luna, the curator of the show have shown they regard this responsibility as inconsequential... personally I find it not only offensive but dangerous leftist pandering...
Why the President?... My guess is the protection afforded this artist by the clear double standard the "general public" has allowed not only to exist but futher enables it to escalate to intolerable heights. The implication is clear.... In creating "Patriot Act".... the artist ... in living color relates and advocates his feelings that whoever would or could shoot President Bush would be carrying out a patriotic act.
That to me is UN-AMERICAN....
Why not Supreme Court Justices? Why not depict judges across this nation who in the ensuing months or year have sought to circumvent existing laws by their rogue personal interpretations and created precedence where none should have existed. What outrage would ensue if this artist had represented his freedom of speech in this manner?....... Given the current climate surrounding the judiciary..... It's my guess Mr. Hernandez would be drawing on some jail house wall to combat his consternation or for entertainment and I would have no reason to be outraged.... No.... I would be willing to bet that had Mr. Hernandez depicted the images of the six Justices of the Supreme Court with an unknown hand brandishing a gun and pointed at the head of each of our honorable justices.... the firestorm that would have resulted from the Secularist Left... would have burned a hole right through the first amendment.
Freedom of Speech cannot completely remove us from the Responsibility of maintaining that Freedom.... and holding a gun to the head of the President of the United States has got to be the MOST irresponsible infantile psychobabble we have been insulted with lately. Double standards continue to lower the standard of our country's morality till everywhere we look..... We are blinded by injustice and accepting of arrogance and ignorance.
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