Back To School Safety.....
It's that time of year again, when the chalk boards are wiped down.... the desks arranged in neat rows.... and teacher's don the bulletin boards with Fall symbols and cheery welcome signs for their new students. For parents it's that mad dash to find that certain copy book.... school shoes... and all the rest of the paraphernalia that is part of going to school.... Here are a few tips to help keep your child safe as they embark on the new school year.
How to LABEL your child's things.... NEVER put your child's name on the OUTSIDE of any of his outerwear.....or backpacks......even lunch boxes.......put your child's name on the INSIDE... complete with your PHONE #...... especially for small children...... discourage your kids from buying jewelry that sports their WHOLE name.... Initials are fine.... or instruct them to wear the necklace UNDER their clothes......Be especially vigilant of Kindergarteners..... WALK THEM TO AND FROM THE BUS STOP..... if you can't do that either drive them to school or.......ask a trusted neighbor who also has a child that waits with your child...... Be wary while your child is wearing his name doesn't only help him be identified in school....... Predators have an undisputed in.... if they can call a child by name....... A timid 5 year old alone on a corner sporting a name tag for 10 to 15 minutes or a tempting sight for a predator......
If your child walks to school....... and you can't walk him to and from.... make the walk with him a few days before school starts........ or if you can.... and the better option.....the first few days........ EVEN IF IT MEANS BEING LATE FOR WORK......... If your child is K-3 see if you can't find another parent along the way..... with a child to meet and walk with your child.... if you can swing it....... trade off days..... this is not only a welcome relief......but ensures that your children always have an adult with them.... or can arrange to drive them on the rainy days.... Walking with your child on those all important first days.....allows you to observe the surroundings they will be walking through........ and to spot people who may be available to help if there is trouble..... or areas they should avoid totally....... This is also a good time for a "How to cross the street refresher".
If you have older children.....make sure they keep an eye on the younger ones.........and STAY together.... There should be only ONE route to and from school........ explain to them they must NEVER stray.......or take a random short cut....... NEVER WALK ALONE - ALWAYS WALK WITH A BUDDY..... Time how long it takes to walk from door to door...... of course a child won't walk with the same purposefulness as an adult...... so.... allow them 5-10 minutes extra.... before expecting a phone call.... if they are going home to an empty house.....EXPECT A PHONE CALL DAILY.... if you have to be away from the phone at the appointed time........ask a co-worker to take the call for you or if more convenient...... ask an aunt or grandparent to be the child's after school phone buddy.
Alone at Home....... Many parents have to work and aren't always able to be home when there child returns home from school.... This can put the child at some risk.... if your child is not mature enough to follow directions and to know how to protect themselves during an emergency they should NOT be allowed or FORCED to come home to an empty house.... If you can't afford after school care.......then by all means do your best to find an alternative even if you have to trade babysitting services on the weekends with a neighbor or friend.... DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO STAY HOME ALONE.......Before you child can or should be left alone... he or she should know........
1.)Be able to use a telephone effectively.
2.)Know how to dial 911 and to properly ask for assistance.
3.)Be able to USE a key and work the locks on the door.
4.)Be trust worthy.... and follow your instructions.... no exceptions.
5.)Be able to re-act appropriately if an emergency occurs.
Rules of Staying Alone
1.)Your child should lock the door behind them after they enter the home.
2.)Your child should NEXT connect with your or their support person.
3.)Let the Machine Get ALL phone calls.... set it so your child can hear the message instruct them to listen to the message BEFORE they pick up the phone... and to only answer if you or other family members are on the line.
4.) the door to ANYONE.... and to
5.)Call for assistance if the person persists....
NOT EVEN IF THEY SAY THEY ARE POLICE.......if you or your child didn't call for help then there should be NO police on the premises..... If they can't reach you... they should hang up and IMMEDIATELY call 911. They should not open the door to accept packages from Delivery Services, or to anyone who is not on their list of approved people.
Your child must learn NOT to allow someone to take them from the location of first encounter... (First Crime Scene) this goes for us ADULTS as well as children.... cooperating with someone who promises that if you just do what they say.... you will not be harmed.... should be considered a hollow promise. If they get you or your child away from the relative safety of the first encounter which is a public area....... consider what they would do to you in the privacy of a remote location....... You not only need to TELL your children about stranger danger.... you need to PRACTICE the skills....... and practice them often.... As a former Brownie leader I can assure you... kids just DO NOT GET IT... by hearing what to do.... it's only through PRACTICE do they realize what they are EXPECTED to do... Each Spring we did a beware of strangers class... Teaching the children many of the safety rules already discussed in this post... I was SHOCKED... how many of the children STILL approached my "car" to help me even after we had told them MANY times NOT to (each time one of the girls approached me... we would explain ALL over again why they should not do that).... that all ended abruptly.... when after becoming exasperated.... I quickly grabbed one of my little charges when she approached.....and ran down the length of auditorium with her...... NOT ONE OTHER CHILD APPROACHED ME after that demonstration.... you can NOT just tell have to SHOW them.... and practice.... practice.... practice!!!
Children should NEVER help an adult find a lost puppy.....or kitten...... (This is how Joseph Duncan attempted and succeeded to abduct Anthony Martinez.... he had a picture of his "lost" cat)
Children should NEVER help someone who claims they are lost and need directions....
Children should NEVER approach the car of someone who stops to ask for help..... They should run away into the house.....
Children should NOT let go of their bike if someone tries to abduct them off of their bike.... the harder they make it for the perpetrator..... the more time it takes.... the less the perp is thinking about taking the child....... and more about being discovered.......
Children should not yell "No" or "Stop"or "Help Me" Teach your child to scream.......THIS IS NOT MY MOTHER/FATHER........FIRE........CALL POLICE....... we all have had the unfortunate experience of an unruly child in the mall or some other place who's parents fight them tooth and nail for their cooperation.... We have heard them yell.........NO.........and STOP........and HELP ME..... but did they yell for the police??? Did they scream this is not my dad? Did they scream this is a stranger?? Did they scream HE IS STEALING ME? No.... they screamed and shouted those words we as parents hear just about everyday....
Remember it will NOT get better for your child if he is taken to a secondary scene.... no matter if your child gets hurt........and they may....... they need to fight as much as possible... they need to make it as HARD as possible for this person to steal them.... and DO get your child ID kit and have it handy..... take Photo's of your child EVERY 6 MONTHS...... Side and Front....... Determine who will be your "stand in" in case of emergency.... and make sure your child knows the "signal" that allows them to feel confident if that person has to pick them up... KNOW who is in your neighborhood.........check your state registry at LEAST once a month.... For more information please consult the following web sites........
Kid Escape......
Free Booklet.........
Excellent Story........
Child Safe International
Safe Kids Card
Child Safe Network
Polly Klaas Foundation
FBI State List of Sex Offenders.....
(Check this list FREQUENTLY!!!! )
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