Duncan resembles Martinez Killer?

For Comparison.........
LEFT: Joseph E. Duncan III charged in the Groene/Mckenzie Family Murders and being held as the prime suspect in the abduction of Shasta and Dylan Groene.... and for Dylan's subsequent murder.
RIGHT: Suspect in the kidnap/murder of Anthony Michael Martinez... on April 4,1997 in Beaumont, CA. Anthony was a 10 year old male, who met the suspect when he and his friends were confronted by suspect in an attempt to lure one of them into helping him search for his lost cat... the friends scattered.... but Anthony was grabbed..... more on his case can be found at....
Reportedly the suspect (sketch on right) was soft spoken - by all accounts.......Duncan is described as soft spoken.
Suspect reportedly had a "boyish face" - Duncan also could be said to have a boyish face.
Suspect MAY have had a mustache..... Duncan has sported a mustache at various times.
Suspect wore a blue baseball cap - Duncan had on a blue baseball cap in the survelience videos when he and Shasta were at the gas station.
Suspect has blue eyes - Duncan also has blue eyes.
Victim Anthony Martinez was found in a remote area North of Indio, CA on a road that leads to Joshua Tree National Park - Duncan reportedly held the Groene children in a remote location in Montana State Park.
Suspect had a picture of a "lost" cat he displayed to the children - Duncan is a cat lover and prior to his arrest he owned two cats.
Suspect used duct tape to immobilize victim Anthony Martinez - Duncan used duct tape along with "Tie-straps" to immobilize the Groene family.
Suspect buried the remains of Anthony Martinez in rocks - Reportedly Duncan used rocks to conceal the body of Dylan Groene.
Duncan was in the San Francisco area in between January 1997 ~thru~ At LEAST April 1997.
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