Where is Wendy?

Sometimes, we hear about a child gone missing in the news and something about their story, or their smile.... or the seemingly pleading sparkle in their eye.... to help them in someway... to find them and bring closure to their family... or to solve their murder and obtain long elusive justice for them.... and then there are those times when tragedy touches someone you know.... You get to witness first hand their pain.... their desperation.... their determination.... and the love that holds them together as they everyday search for answers. Wendy Lee Huggy is the neice of a friend of mine that I met at the Court TV Message Boards.... I didn't even realize that she had a missing niece... There are few clues in this young woman's disappearance... she was just 16 and living with her Paternal Grandparents in Holiday Florida.... she had moved there the previous August in 1981. On that fateful day on April 7th, 1982, Wendy went to the Clearwater Mall... She called her grandmother from the Mall saying she had met someone at the Mall... and that she was to later meet some friends at Clearwater Beach.... she never showed.... no one ever heard from Wendy again. Someone was using her Social Security # for some 10 years after her disappearance....
To learn more about the disappearance of Wendy Huggy.... or if you have information that may help us find Wendy or the person that took her.......
visit her blog at.... http://whereiswendy.blogspot.com/
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