Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Three H's

The three H's have gripped the East Coast and most of the country too..... Hazy.......HOT....... and HUMID.... spells disaster for the elderly..... and the homeless population of this country. on the way but in the mean time...... check on your elderly neighbors.....and make sure they are ok..... many times the fear of crime and the reality of escalating electric cost will present an elderly person with what they see as few alternatives to find relief...... They don't feel safe opening their windows....... and placing their fan in the window for fear they will become victims of crime........ and they can't afford to run their air conditioners........ because the cost of cool doesn't fit into their fixed incomes..... many elderly people die during heat waves because of these two unfortunate scenarios..... In some places the government is FINALLY realizing that they need to supplement the cost of cool.......just like they do with heating during the winter months. If this program was initiated country wide this could save plenty of lives and relieve the stress put on the elderly that often have to choose between food, prescriptions, and energy costs...... this relief would no doubt allow most of the elderly to run their air conditioners without fear of the exorbitant costs..... if your local government has no program.... suggest it! Many Power companies offer their customers a "fixed rate" charge per month.... or budget plan.... so that the costs are nearly always the same....... if you know of someone who could benefit from this type of program....... help them contact the Power company..... and set up their own budget plan. We live in cities of concrete and steel.... the asphalt and tall buildings exacerbate the normal heating that occurs during the heat of the day........ and serve to LOCK it in during what should be the cooler night time hours.... so there is never any relief..... conditions like this.... call for action.... just as we work to bring the automobile casualties down.......we need to work to bring down the preventable deaths caused by heat exhaustion. Other things to do....... make sure they know to drink plenty of water..... to never run a fan on themselves that doesn't have access to an open window.... the air in a closed room is TWICE as hot as the air outside and it causes the person to dehydrate at a higher rate. Help them to reduce the use of the rooms that they cool.... shut off the vents upstairs..... and use the cooler lower level. Remember..... heat rises....... the upper levels of your home are ALWAYS hotter and harder to cool then the lower levels. Basements stay cooler then any other level.... at minimum.......they should have ONE room that is cooled enough for them to get relief in. Here are some other things you can do.... Instruct them to use the power-saver feature and set it to CYCLE if they have a window air-conditioner... they will use less electricity... but still maintain the same level of cool. Keep blinds and draperies closed during the day, this helps to keep heat out. Keeping cool or warm is much easier and efficient in a properly insulated home. Make sure they have plenty of "cool treats" on hand, drink plenty of water, and eat light meals..... eliminating indoor cooking helps to reduce the indoor temperature.... take them a meal or two.... a spritz bottle filled with water to mist with.... will feel great if your senior does not have air conditioning.... Invite them over for dinner or to sit a spell for a bit of relief.... or take them to the mall or perhaps the movies as a treat.... But most of all.... Stay Cool!!!

National Energy Assistance Referral provides information toll free at 1 (866) 674-6327, by e-mail at and

The National Council on the Aging's identifies assistance programs for older Americans

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Happy Birthday in Heaven Dylan!

Happy Birthday in heaven Dylan...... you will not be forgotten and your death will not be in vain.
May the angels wrap their loving arms around all who love and miss you. May they help to ease the deep hurt and extreme sadness that will be left in your absense....

Rest in peace sweet angel... no more sorrow, no more tears..... for you are home.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Duncan resembles Martinez Killer?

For Comparison.........

LEFT: Joseph E. Duncan III charged in the Groene/Mckenzie Family Murders and being held as the prime suspect in the abduction of Shasta and Dylan Groene.... and for Dylan's subsequent murder.

RIGHT: Suspect in the kidnap/murder of Anthony Michael Martinez... on April 4,1997 in Beaumont, CA. Anthony was a 10 year old male, who met the suspect when he and his friends were confronted by suspect in an attempt to lure one of them into helping him search for his lost cat... the friends scattered.... but Anthony was grabbed..... more on his case can be found at....

Reportedly the suspect (sketch on right) was soft spoken - by all accounts.......Duncan is described as soft spoken.

Suspect reportedly had a "boyish face" - Duncan also could be said to have a boyish face.

Suspect MAY have had a mustache..... Duncan has sported a mustache at various times.

Suspect wore a blue baseball cap - Duncan had on a blue baseball cap in the survelience videos when he and Shasta were at the gas station.

Suspect has blue eyes - Duncan also has blue eyes.

Victim Anthony Martinez was found in a remote area North of Indio, CA on a road that leads to Joshua Tree National Park - Duncan reportedly held the Groene children in a remote location in Montana State Park.

Suspect had a picture of a "lost" cat he displayed to the children - Duncan is a cat lover and prior to his arrest he owned two cats.

Suspect used duct tape to immobilize victim Anthony Martinez - Duncan used duct tape along with "Tie-straps" to immobilize the Groene family.

Suspect buried the remains of Anthony Martinez in rocks - Reportedly Duncan used rocks to conceal the body of Dylan Groene.

Duncan was in the San Francisco area in between January 1997 ~thru~ At LEAST April 1997.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Here we go AGAIN...........

I was just reading the Fifth Nail Blog written by the Child Molester that abducted little Shasta Groene.... the guy also possibly killed her mother, her mother's boyfriend and her two sons.... Joseph Duncan is his name.... this guy is sick, sick, sick.... and really makes you wonder what other kind of sicko's are wandering around scoping out their next innocent victims..... the URL for anyone who is interested is......
......oddly enough it belongs to our own humble hosting site.... the site is down.... I think.... but if you hurry..... you might still find it available. It seems we really need to reach these kids EARLY.... like before puberty.... when it seems most of the WORST of the WORST.....get their start..... or at least are MORE prone to act on their impulses. Regardless..... beyond incarceration..... I can see no solution to the problems they create in stemming what feels like a nationwide epidemic.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

National Crisis

Well I am sorry for not blogging in the last two months (gee it's been THAT long!!) but I needed a break from the internet... from CTV.... about the only thing I have kept up with is Fox News... but then... I can't totally deprive myself.... so here we go...

Firstly I would like to comment on the recent news....

To the folks in GB...... my sincere condolences to all of your citizens.... to those who lost their lives.... were injured physically.... or will suffer the torment of the "terror" inflicted on them for NO REASON.... My thoughts and prayers go out to all.

We CAN NOT let our guard down for a moment.... this should be CLEAR to all peace and freedom loving people all over the world... The Terrorists will not go away.... they have to be eradicated.... like cockroaches........ remember always..........they stand NO CHANCE of winning... yes... they cause pain.... yes they cause destruction..... but they will NEVER change the resolve of free people.... nor cause us to love our freedoms any less then our lives.... they are NOT the only ones ready to die for a cause...... at least OUR cause is JUST....... and RATIONAL..... these perverted thinking radical chicken-livered terrorists are no better and no higher on the food chain then a child molester..... they are PERVERTS all.... and deserve our disdain TOTALLY.... Any person who joins or belongs to organizations that proliferate terror....... well.... aren't REAL men........ don't LOVE their God......... and SURELY AREN'T SANE.... what is it 73 Vestal Virgins........YEAH.... and I got some PRIME property to sell you........ Suicide Bombers.... what a laugh..... I guess that is the ULTIMATE in submission to insanity....Freud would be proud......

WHAT GOD WOULD KILL OFF ALL HIS FOLLOWERS??? What does it get Him?? Given that suicide is AGAINST GOD.... ALL OF THEM........the REAL documented ones that is....... then these bleeps go to hell..... HELLO!!!!! hmmm.... someone needs to FLUSH their edited version of the Koran down the toilet.... better IT then all the poor deluded souls that blow themselves up in the name of Allah... WAKE UP YOU "The Secret Organization of Al Qaeda in Europe" and all you Al Queda freaks......... WE HAVE THE BOMB........ and WE KNOW HOW TO USE IT....... THINK Japan.... I am sure that the dessert could use a few less hills in Afghanistan...... or....... say Iraq..... man...... I feel sorry for ALL PEOPLE who have to put up with this bully bull expletive....... If a freaking nutsy Nazi didn't bring the UK to it's knees...... a few misguided effeminate towel heads AIN'T gonna do it either......... Ok...........Rant over........... I am PISSED off........can't you tell........ :c) me.............female......... 92 lbs and 46 years old........ mom to 4.........grandma to 1...........with no gun permit....... imagine a BIG marine.... or biker guy......... there's a WHOLE lotta pissed off people right about now........ SHAME we are so damn CIVILIZED...... when these people DON'T HAVE A CLUE what being CIVIL is........ you want got careful what you ask for..... YOU WILL GET MORE THEN YOU ASKED FOR...........FOR SURE!!!!

God Save the Queen........ and....... God Bless America.... and ALL peace loving Countries....

Ok............ on to Aruba............. and Natalee Holloway.........
My thoughts and prayers go out to her parents and step-parents......... Keep the faith..... God will bring Natalee home...... why won't those parents do the RIGHT thing....... I am speaking of Paulus Van der Sloot..... and his wife..... if it were MY son........ I wouldn't be pulling a Peterson.... and defending his butt....... if he is guilty........ he should face the music....... The authorities down there need to give up what facts they have....... it might not be THEIR way...... but they aren't dealing with one of their own gone missing...... they are dealing with one of OURS..... AND..... furthermore........ further protests should bring an IMMEDIATE and LONG BOYCOTT for Aruba.... I was APPALLED watching those sign carriers after they have totally trashed Natalee and botched the investigation into her disappearance so badly.........SHAME ON YOU...... they own Beth Twitty an apology........

Ok.......... on to Idaho........... Firstly......... My heart and prayers go out to the Groene family.... may God keep little Shasta close and help her heal....... and if Dylan is gone....... God give you strength to endure yet another blow..... I hope this pervert gets EVERYTHING he deserves.... and more......... I want to URGE ANYONE WHO READS THIS BLOG........ Write your Representatives......... State and Local......... INSIST on a National Registry for Sex Offenders...... NO BAIL for ANYONE who perpetrates a sex offence on a child under 16.......... No PROBATION....... for ANY ONE CONVICTED of a sex offense on a child under 16......... Life time monitoring on ALL sex offenders........ with GPS implanted devices....... Stiffer penalties for ANYONE CONVICTED of a sex crime against a child.... 20 years MINIMUM........ for molesting..... LIFE for Rape......... it is only fair........ if by their actions they rob a child of their ability to feel secure for life....... they should loose their freedom for the same length of time........ not done with this subject by a long shot.......

On to Iowa...... My condolences and prayers go out to the family of Evelyn Miller..... whose body was found in the Cedar River........ another Angel gone home too soon at the hands of a madman.


Got lots to comment on about Terri Schiavo..... but for now......... I'll stop..... time to pray for all the victims of mankind's sick and perverted actions........ God HELP us all......

Watch out for Hurricane Dennis....... he is paused to strike..... and he is threatening to be a REAL menace.......