Sunday, May 08, 2005

For My Mother on Mother's Day

Dear Mom,

If I had only known all those things I did that were going to cause you pain... I never would have done them.... if I hadn't been so selfish... I would have realized just how much I broke your heart... I wasn't the perfect child.... and I know you made your mistakes too.... but I am glad that before we lost the chance.... we became true friends.... I miss you more then ever... it's hard to believe I haven't heard your voice in all these years...... haven't been able to give you a hug.... or tell you just how much I love you.... haven't been able to do more than pray..... that up there in your heavenly home.... you know just how much you mean to me..... and how thankful I am that I had you for a mother......

..... Happy Mother's Day!!! ......

..... Anna Maria Persolio McCabe ....

October 1, 1932 ~ August 8, 1991

There is love for no other..... like the love we have for our mother..... :c)

For the Petersons a Few Things They Missed

Lee Peterson's letter to the Modesto Bee addressed the lies.... the cheating... etc......but it seems he never grasped the CRUX of the case against his son.... it wasn't "media bias" or a hateful jury that got Scott Peterson his not so cushy cell on death row at the infamous San Quentin Penitentary....

HERE are some facts the media couldn't bias....
1.) He told AF and SS that his wife was "lost" almost a month before she was missing.....
2.) He bought a boat without mentioning it to ANYONE....
3.) He researched the tidal charts of the body of water in which Laci and Conner subsequently washed ashore.... 90 miles away.
4.) His demeanor AFTER the kidnapping.... although there is NO rule book........ MOST people would have at LEAST been broken up enough 2 weeks later to not be calling their GF during the memorial service for their "MISSING" wife....
5.) Conner and Laci washed up in the exact same body of water he used as an alibi....
6.) He sold her landrover......
7.) He was trying to sell her house....
8.) He and Jackie were going to give the crib to another family member.... but decided against it because it looked bad.
9.) The concrete evidence...
10.) SP calling Laci's DEAD cell phone....
11.) The supplies and cash he had on him when they finally arrested him.
12.) The DNA that proved it was Laci and Conner....
13.) He turned the nursery into a storage room14.) He had scratches on his hands and there was blood on the comforter.
15.) Laci washed up wearing beige pants....
16.) The blouse that wouldn't stay put.... first on the floor by the bed.... next in the hamper....... next rolled up in the back of a drawer....
17.) He told police he was NOT having an affair....
18.) He did not know what he was fishing for....
19.) He never mentioned the fishing trip to his father on the way back from Berkeley Bay on the afternoon of 12/24....
20.) He never returned any of Amy's phone calls.....
21.) He told some people he had been golfing that day and others he was fishing......
22.) There was evidence on the (Laci's) body that it was weighted down and pulled apart by tidal action and animal activity.
23.) He went fishing 90 miles away.... he had a receipt for the day she disappeared
24.) He bought a fishing license for the days just before Christmas.
25.) He did not have the right fishing equipment to fish for sturgeon.
26.) The tarp was found in the shed under a "leaky" leaf blower... that just happened to destroy the forensic evidence it may have contained.....
27.) He first purchased the viagra in July of 2002 after Laci was already pregnant.
28.) He had a history of cheating on his wife.

None of the above could have been tampered with by the media.... they are ALL FACTS and some of them helped the jury to convict SP of Laci and Conner's murder.... I wonder if the Peterson's ever looked into that grief counseling they sure appear to need it.

So Lee and Jackie........RIDDLE ME THIS.... How did Laci and Conner end up in the SFB some 90 miles from their the SAME EXACT AREA as Golden Boy Scott Peterson PROVED he went "fishing" on the EXACT day Laci disappeared and was never seen again....

If not Scott..... then WHO??

Why would anyone RISK taking the body to the SFB after the police were already searching there..... at a time when the demand and use of the bay would be increasing due to the change of season.... why would they risk keeping the body around until they had the opportunity...... why would they risk transporting the body...... does this mean they had a boat? If someone wanted the baby.......why was the baby found dead in the SAME body of water that his mother was in? If he was to be a sacrifice... why wasn't he found on some "altar" somewhere... Why wasn't he found alive in the arms of some poor delusional motherhood deprived mentally ill woman who is passing him off as her own.

The negative letters now being submitted to the Modesto Bee in rebutal to Mr. Peterson's opinion.... they don't reflect the bias of the public from being misled by the media...... they reflect the fact that honest, right thinking people looked at the facts and concluded that this man killed his wife and child in cold blood... and that his parents would go to the ends of the earth to free him......even if he IS guilty... guilty .... guilty.... while they go on with the mantra Jackie told to Scott all those months ago in one of their phone conversations.... Deny... Deny... Deny.... I submit.... The time to deny is long past.... the time for denial is over.... He did it... he was convicted on the evidence.... and no amount of denial will ever make him free.

On a Personal Note: Sharon.... my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult anniversary of Laci's Birthday and of course Mother's Day.... May the Lord lift your burdens and fill you with peace.... Happy Heavenly Birthday Laci....

Monday, May 02, 2005

What am I missing?

The broadcast news is on fire on IF and WHEN the Runaway Bride Jennifer Wilbanks will be charged with a crime for getting cold feet and taking off for Las Vegas.... the prosecutor in the case is still determining what he will do.... and he seems to think he would be within the law.... it depends says he on if she was willful or not..... AMAZING.... that the public is soooo outraged about this and yet the three people who KNOWINGLY hid John Cooey from the police, possibly enabling him to continue to assault Jessica Lunsford and subsequently bury her alive.... are not inundating Brad Kings office with letters of consternation demanding that they be held accountable for THEIR actions or inaction. They also lied to police during an investigation. They also sought to protect themselves from public scrutiny and lessen any adverse opinions.... the problem is....... no amount of money will ever restore Jessica Lunsford to her loving family.

As for me........ I am not sure what she deserves.... I think she was incredibly selfish by taking off and allowing her family and friends to go through days of the worst kind of hell... the hell that comes from not knowing what has happened to a loved child, a beloved relative, special friend and intended spouse.... I can't imagine looking anyone you care about in the face after perpetrating such a deception and saying..... I love you... or I missed you... both seem shallow considering the collect phone call she made should have happened before she boarded the bus on the night she disappeared.

Should there be charges....... I really can't say.... as to an investigation.... maybe we ought to be looking into why a member of this society we have created can be totally be devoid of any empathy towards those they purport to love to selfishly disappear without nary a by your leave. What prompts sex offenders to secret themselves into our peaceful neighborhoods and steal our children out of their beds.... to use them for their own selfish purposes... To me the correlation is clear........ selfishness is the clear root of most evil and thoughtlessness perpetrated on society today.... regardless it's a pervasive problem that doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon.....